Take Control Over Your Credit Score
Starting TODAY... FOR JUST $1!

The Credit Solution Program sells every single day for $47 -- but because you’ve been a loyal subscriber, I’m offering you the entire training system for a ONE-TIME $1 TRIAL.

After the 14-day trial you will be billed the additional $46.00

If at any point in those 14 days you decide it isn't right for you, just send me an email and you won't be billed another penny.

That gives you a complete 14 days to test out the program at no risk whatsoever, just for being a loyal subscriber!

Yes! You get everything you need... plus all the outrageous bonuses you see below...

For Just $1.00!

The Credit Solution Program

This revolutionary guide breaks down everything that really affects your credit (which banks and credit bureaus never tell you)... and the simple, yet often hidden steps that can help you raise your score.

It's loaded with exclusive tips and techniques you can use immediately to start removing mistakes and boost your score, including:

  • A dirty little secret collection agencies use against you
  • The single best place to get your free credit score...
  • 14 simple keys to understanding your credit report...
  • the first (and most important!) step to boosting your credit score...
  • and so much more!

Bottom line: It's the ONE SIMPLE PROCESS that you need to break free of all the myths, STOP being a prisoner to bad credit... and finally experience the unparalleled freedom of excellent credit.


"The Credit Success Journal"

This 106-page add-on makes it ridiculously easy to plan, track and monitor your progress… ensuring you reach your ultimate credit goals. It practically forces you to take action, which is the only way to get results... and speeds your credit transformation.


"Building Credit From Scratch"

This short-yet-detailed guide is especially valuable for anyone who is looking to establish credit in their own name—or for someone who has perhaps suffered through a bankruptcy, foreclosure or another issue that requires credit to be re-established. You'll get a proven roadmap to getting the score you want, regardless of where you are now.


"Divorce & Credit"

Divorce has become an unfortunate fact for nearly 50% of all Americans. If you expect to be divorced, you're in the middle of a divorce, you're working through a divorce, or you're divorced… then this section will help you navigate through the many credit-harming landmines that few people are aware of when it comes to divorce and separation. This could prevent your score from being damaged for YEARS...


"Quick Answers To Your Pressing Questions"

While credit is a personal matter, let's face it, many of us suffer from similar problems or issues. From late payments or bad interest rates… to trying to qualify for a loan — there are so many questions that need to be answered. So we created a dedicated guide focused solely on answering your most pressing credit questions — as quickly as possible. You can use this anytime you're unsure of something or want to know what to do immediately.


"Dealing With Student Loans"

Americans owe nearly a trillion dollars in student loans — and the number is increasing rapidly each year. This bonus shows you how to defer or consolidate your loans in ways that are favorable to your credit, I also show you something called "rehabilitation"—and the exact process you can use to repair your credit if you've ever been late or in bad standing on your student loans.


"Dealing With Tax Liens"

Obviously, this won't apply to everyone. But if you've ever had tax issues, it can be a very scary thing. And it can do damage to your credit until you resolve it properly. In this report, I show you how a tax lien may affect your credit—but more importantly—the two simple IRS-approved steps you can use to remove a lien from your credit report as quickly as possible.


"Dealing With a Judgment"

If you've ever had something go past the point of collections, there may be a judgment somewhere on your credit report. It sounds scary because the courts are now involved, however, it's not as bad as you might think… in this bonus guide, I show you exactly what a judgment means… how it affects you… what your rights are… and the three most powerful options you have to resolve it.

PLUS, Several Unannounced Extras, Including...

Proven 'Cut and Paste' Sample Letters

which you can copy and paste for dealing with credit bureaus, creditors, or collection agencies. These letters quickly get results, save you many hours of your time, and they are included at absolutely no extra charge as part of the program.

The 5-Step Action Plan

This ensures you have a guaranteed blueprint for getting and STAYING on the path to credit success, and the freedom that comes with it!

And Unlimited Support

With access to our secret support email, which you can use to contact us at any time. You can ask us whatever you want, whenever you want.

This package with all the bonuses normally sells for $47, but right now, you can get it for just $1.00!

On top of all that, your purchase is protected
an iron clad guarantee...

You MUST be 100% Happy With Your Investment in The Credit Solution Program or You Will Get Your Money Back!


If you're not impressed by the value, simplicity and effectiveness of the program in the first 90 days, you can get a full no-questions-asked refund. Just email support and let us know. Your refund will be processed immediately.


This is what our customers have to say...

Results may vary: learn more here

I have just sent out the FCRA letters to some of my creditors asking them to verify everything like instructed, but I wanted to say thanks because I sent out the Good Will letters and got 2 creditors to remove derogatory info just because I asked. I can't believe that worked but it did and I thank you.

Results may vary: learn more here

I have been following the instruction you have given and it has help clear about 3,000 dollars in debt I owed. Thank you so much.

Results may vary: learn more here

Just using what you have showed us part way through the program, I have raised my credit score 51 points! Now I'm at the top of the fair category and hopefully will be in the good category by the end of January. My goal is to be at 710 by July 2012. If I can get my score up this fast, especially considering I have a bankruptcy on file, ANYONE can.

Bill L.

John M.

Leonard S.

Results may vary: learn more here

Has helped already as had 2 of 4 accounts reported in Collections send me a letter stating they are removing their posting of the alleged debt. Will actively pursue the remaining 2 with adequate documentation requests in an attempt to get them squared away and removed.

Results may vary: learn more here

Just sent goodwill letters. If they are successful will help my score greatly. I have begun to use my cards again and my score has already increased 20 points! THANKS SOO MUCH!

Results may vary: learn more here

I started disputing negative informations in my credit report in early December, maybe a little bit skeptical that these tactics would actually work. Since these my credit score has improved by at least 57 points, making a believer out of me in the process.

Mary T.

Alex L.

Samuel P.

Here's what you get when you
order the Credit Solution Program:

  • The Credit Solution Program The 106 page PDF detailing the exact steps to excellent credit.
  • Exclusive Access to my private members area
  • Unlimited Email Support
  • Money Back Guarantee

Plus 7 bonuses, among which:

  • Divorce and Credit - This step by step guide will make sure your credit stays in good standing in the event of divorce
  • The Success Journal (106 Pages) - This personalized manual is your “go to” guide for achieving your credit goals
  • Credit From Scratch - If you have suffered a financial meltdown or never had any credit to begin with, then this guide is for you
  • FAQ - All the most pressing questions from our customers in a straight forward Q&A format
  • How to Deal with Tax Liens
  • How to Deal with Judgments
  • How to Deal with Student Loans

The order link below will take you to our secure server where you can instantly purchase the printable PDF format E-book package and start reading. Instead of waiting for a typical package in the mail, you can download this program immediately and get started on your path to improving your credit!

You can choose to read the program on your computer, or print it out to read anytime, anywhere.

Please Note: The Credit Solution Program is a downloadable e-book program. You will NOT receive a physical package shipped to you in the mail. The entire package will be immediately available for you to download, so you can get started right away after ordering. You will receive immediate access to all bonuses after placing your order. This program is NOT available in stores, so you can only access it through this website.